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يسرنا ان نقدم لكم فكرتنا التدريبية: 


التعلّم الذاتي للأطفال اللاجئين العرب


23 من شهر سبتمبر (14-19 h)


مركز "ريفيوجو" في برلين.

Lenaustr. 3-4, 12047 Berlin


حيث سيتم إتاحة الفرصة لجميع الأفراد للإطلاع على الوحدات التعليمية بشكل تفصيلي. إضافة إلى ذلك، سنود أن نتشارك معكم/ن بعض وجهات النظر الخاصة بالمعلمين/ات والمدربين/ت حول مشاركتهم/ن في ورشات العمل في كل من برلين و كوسنتزا ويافله ومولا، كذلك توضيح تجربتهم/ن حول العمل مع الأطفال القادمين الجدد ومبدأ التعلّم الذاتي.

we are pleased to present to you our training concept:



Self-learning for Arab refugee children


23 September 2019 (14-19 h)

In the

"Refugio" in Berlin.

Lenaustr. 3-4, 12047 Berlin


The individual modules of the training concept are to be made accessible to educators, pedagogues, etc. in detail. In addition, the perspective of Arabic-speaking teachers and tutors from Sweden, Germany, Turkey and Italy themselves will find space and a hearing. They will report on their participation in one of our workshops in Berlin, Cosenza, Gävle or Mugla and their experiences in working with refugee children and self-regulated learning.



Part I: Workshops for educators

Opening and Introduction:
Overview of the project Enable



Prof. Dr. Gernot Aich, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Basic attitudes: How to be a supportive teacher

Kia Kimhag, Gävle, Sweden
Inclusion and Exclusion

Juniorprof. Dr. Miriam Stock, Schwäbisch Gmünd/
Bengt Söderhall, Gävle, Sweden
From discrimination to compowerment

Perihan Korkut, Ph.D., Muğla, Turkey
Self-regulated Learning


coffee break and time for talks

14:30 – 14:00

14:30 - 16:30

16:30 - 17:00

Part I: Workshops for educators

Opening and Introduction:
Overview of the project Enable



Prof. Dr. Gernot Aich, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Basic attitudes: How to be a supportive teacher

Kia Kimhag, Gävle, Sweden
Inclusion and Exclusion

Juniorprof. Dr. Miriam Stock, Schwäbisch Gmünd/
Bengt Söderhall, Gävle, Sweden
From discrimination to compowerment

Perihan Korkut, Ph.D., Muğla, Turkey
Self-regulated Learning


coffee break and time for talks

Part II: Exchange on our training concept

and the integration of Arab-speaking refu-
gee children

Official release of ENABLE training handbook on
self-organized learning

Prof. Dr. Juliane Karakayali, Berlin

Keynote speech on school contexts in migrati-
on societies


Panel with Arab-speaking educators from Europe:
Our workshop participants from Berlin (Germany), Cosenza (Italy), Gävle (Sweden) and Muğla (Turkey) will share their experiences.

تناول الطعام والشراب، استراحة لنتعرف أكثر على بعضنا البعض 

17:00 – 17:15

17:15 – 18:00

18:00 – 19:00

starting 19:00

Part II: Exchange on our training concept

and the integration of Arab-speaking refu-
gee children

Official release of ENABLE training handbook on
self-organized learning

Prof. Dr. Juliane Karakayali, Berlin

Keynote speech on school contexts in migrati-
on societies


Panel with Arab-speaking educators from Europe:
Our workshop participants from Berlin (Germany), Cosenza (Italy), Gävle (Sweden) and Muğla (Turkey) will share their experiences.

Music, snacks and talks
(Arabic and German co-translation possible)

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